Friday, 19 September 2014

Main Star Term 4

Main Star Activities for Term 4
Some of these can be started over the school holidays.

Key Competencies: Capabilities for living and lifelong Learning
The Main Star Award – Syndicate 2_- Term 4  2014
All students must complete 6 Key Com Activities:
Gold Award = 10 activities completed;   Silver Award = 8 activities completed;   
Bronze Award = 6 activities completed

* Make a rain gauge and keep a record of the rainfall for 10 days (Example available)    Rain Gage Idea
* Choose a poem you like, learn it and present it to the class (See timetable)   Poem Roster

Make a small Christmas gift for someone in your extended family for no more than $5.00
* Make a cashbook and keep a track of your spending for 2 weeks. Have you spent some, saved some and shared some. (Template available)    Cashbook Template

Compare how you celebrate Xmas to how your grandparents celebrated Xmas when they were children. Write one positive and one negative for your celebration and the same for your grandparents celebration
* Invite someone or their family to come to your place for a simple picnic or afternoon of outside games.

Make an A4 size Water safety poster e.g. swimming, boating, diving, spa pool
* Plant something edible in your garden and look after it until it is ready to harvest.

Find out why we have Westland Anniversary (Monday 1st December) and add this to your Blog
* Design and make a simple flotation device using recycled materials.  Have this ready to bring to the swimming pool to try on Friday 31 October.

Thank you for all the support that you give your children to complete these activities. 

We don't always see the results instantly but over time these values and skills become natural to the children. It is also rewarding to hear feedback from the recipients of the kind deeds and through comments that you  leave in the children's books. Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs Thomas, you are a good woman. I love the MainStar post. It is great to get a head start over the holidays! Thank you, Abi
